Germantown Church of God
Germantown Church of God
Copyright © 2018 by Terry Smith  ·  All Rights reserved  ·  E-Mail:



Sunday, December 11, 2022
Third Sunday in Advent

SEASON OF SHARINGWe are collecting items for the Help Hotline Food bank. You are invited to take a box from the back of the Sanctuary and each day in the Advent season put a non-perishable item in it. A list of ideas is included in the box.  We will collect the boxes on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.

Congregational meeting: The annual congregational meeting is scheduled to be held today, immediately following the morning worship service. There will be an election of officers as well as a vote on the budget for 2023.

No Sunday school today: Due to the congregational meeting, there will be no Sunday School classes today.

Choir practice: Immediately following the congregational meeting there will be a brief choir practice for those willing to sing in a choir for the Christmas Eve service.

CHRISTMAS CAROLING:  You are invited to come Christmas Caroling today at 3 pm. We will be visiting some shut-ins from our church and community. Following the caroling, we will return to the church for a light supper. To help us plan our evening, please sign up by the mailboxes. Let us know if you can drive.

Men’s fellowship breakfastMen are invited to join us this Saturday morning, December 17, for the monthly Men’s Fellowship Breakfast. We will meet at 7:30 a.m. at the Parlor House Restaurant.  All men are invited!

New daily bread: The Daily Bread devotional booklets for December, January, and February are now available.

Pastoral search committeeBe in prayer for the pastoral search committee as they begin the process of seeking the next pastor for the church.

TITHES AND OFFERINGS: Thank you to all who support the work of our Church through the giving of your tithes and offerings. Please place your offering in the plate in the back of the sanctuary.

SECRETARY POSITION OPEN: Be in prayer for the church office as it goes through transition. Susie Buhrman has accepted a fulltime job beginning November 14, so November 11 was her last official day in the office. The elders have discussed next steps and will be looking for a temporary replacement to serve until the next pastor is hired. If you or someone you know has a desire to be considered for filling this temporary position, please speak to Stewart McCleaf, Louis Lajoie, Dennis Buhrman, or Pastor Linda.

Our elderly congregation: This time of year can be particularly lonely for folks who are homebound. On the table at the rear of the sanctuary you will find a partial list of addresses of those who are no longer able to attend worship with us, in case you would like to send them a card. If we have an incorrect address or missed someone, please notify Pastor Linda.